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Gorilla Rows are a greet Bent Over Row back exercise that targets the lats, middle and upper traps, shoulders and biceps.

They also help develop core stability and lower body isometric strength as the movement requires holding a static hip-hinge whilst rowing unilaterally.

challenges mid-back muscles, and it also challenges your lower back (and abs) to stabilise your torso.

When we perform a single arm dumbbell row it is a unilateral exercise, meaning it trains one side of your body at a time. Single - arm moves help to even out muscular imbalances and burn more calories over time, sine our essentially doubling up your workload. While you grow your upper back and lats, your lower back and core will work hard to stablize your torso.

What is the purpose of row exercise?

The classic bent-over row, whether done with kettlebells or dumbbells, is one of the best ways to build mid-back strength, and it'll challenge your core and glutes more than you think, too.


Gorilla Row

  • Two kettlebells should be placed on the ground, about hip-width apart. the handles should be parallel. Your kettlebells should be parallel to your feet.

  • To grasp the handles, bend your knees slightly and hinge forward from your hips. To make room for the weights, push your knees forward,

  • Keep your core firm and ensure your lower back is not round.

  • Keep one kettlebell in your hand and row the other weight back towards your hip. Keep your wrist straight and lead with your elbow.

  • The kettlebell should be lowered to the ground, and you can do the same thing on the other side.

Keep same tone through your abdominals as you pull the kettlebells into your body to ensure you don't arch excessively through our spine.

Don't allow the head to jut forward as you pull.

Bent Over Row

  • Take one step back into a lunge position. keep a soft bend in your front leg with the knee in line with your ankle and back leg straight. Lean slightly forward, and rest your free hand on your front thigh. Tighten your core by squeezing your belly button in towards your spine. This will give you a good base of support.

  • To progress this exercise grab a stability ball ..Balance your free hand on a stability ball instead of using your front leg for support. This increases not only the difficulty of the exercise, but it also engages a number of smaller stabiliser muscles throughout your torso, arms and shoulders.

  • Lower the dumbbell toward the floor until you have a full extension at the elbow. Maintain proper posture through your shoulders, hips, and lower back. Avoid rounding or arching the lumbar spine.

  • Begin the upward motion of the dumbbell by first sliding your shoulder blade toward your spine and then lifting the weight up toward your torso by driving your elbow to the ceiling. Keep your elbow close to your body as it passes the ribs.

  • Squeeze your shoulder blade in toward the centre of back. At the end of the movement, the dumbbell should be in line with your chest and your elbow should be pointing up toward the ceiling. Be sure to maintain good posture through your spine shoulders, and hips.

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